
Friday, June 30, 2017


Kia ora
This week we went to the Auckland zoo on a Zoofari. We slept in the old elephant house where the elephants Burma and Kashin used to sleep. Here is a photo of a kukupa/kereru on Mrs B's head.
I am working on a report about servals and I saw one  but it was too quick to get a photo. It looked just the way I thought it would.Here is a photo of a tiger.

 Ka kite ano.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

My Serval Thinglink

Hello bloggers!!! This term our school is focusing on all creatures great and small... So our class did animal reports. I did mine about a serval. I used a Thinglink to present my work.
Here it is:

Monday, June 19, 2017

Argument writing

Kia ora bloggers! For the past two weeks our class has been writing arguments for the speech contest. I wrote one with a buddy. My buddy was Lilly. Together we wrote an argument about why zoos are good. Sadly when it came to judging we didn't get chosen to go to Kaikohe. Instead Willow and Depla are going to Kaikohe. Here is my argument:
Why zoos are good

Have you ever been to a zoo? A zoo is a place where humans hold animals in separate enclosures so none of them will get hurt by each other and so humans can can come and see them. Well, I believe that zoos are good. Here are some reasons why.

Firstly, a zoo is like a sanctuary for sick or injured animals just like a hospital. Zoos have great vets to look after the animals. If you were an animal living at the zoo you would know you were going to be looked after. If the animals were in the wild they would die of sickness because there are no vets in the wild. Also, after the zoo vets have healed an animal, sometimes they release them back into the wild.

Secondly, they have breeding programs for endangered animals to increase their family. So none of the animals will be extinct. If the animals were in the wild it would be harder to find a mate to breed with. We need more zoos in the world to save exotic species. For example there are only 7,100 cheetahs left in the world. We need to save animals and  not let poachers keep on killing them.

Finally, zoos educate people about the beauty of animals. Every person should know about animals so they respect them ,understand them and don’t hurt them. And everyone knows if you want to know more about animals, you just go to a zoo.

So, I sure hope you agree with me that zoos are good because they are safe places for animals, they help bring more endangered animals into the world and they teach us all about our planet’s greatest treasure-the amazing life forms that live on our earth. C’mon people, let’s look after our zoos and help them look after the animals.

Smart goals

Hi everyone. This time I am going to show you my smart goals.
Here it is:

Basic facts Learning Journey.

Kia ora
Here is my maths for stage 6. This is where I write my results from my math test on the math stages. I got 55 correct answers on stage 6. Here is my basic facts learning journey:

E hia?

Hello, in class we have Maori lessons with Miss Mentor. She is teaching us how to count in maori and ask us how many pens there are. Here is a slide show of my work:


Kiwi kids news

Namaste! Starting from term 2 we have been doing kiwi kids news. Kiwi kids news is a website where it has all the latest news from around the globe. Every week our class has to write a report on a piece of news.


Hello, this term we have been learning how to link in our hand writing. I find linking very hard. One of my words have ticks around them, see if you can spot it:

Mythical boxes

Ia orana fellow bloggers. I hope you're having a good start to the week, I know I'm happy because it's my birthday today. Right, back to the subject, last term Ohaeawai school was focusing on Myths and Legends. For our art we had to create boxes of us dressed up as people from myths and legends. Here are my boxes:

Friday, June 16, 2017

Fun Friday

Kia ora,
 This Friday our school is having Fun Friday. Fun Friday is a day when the year 5&6's put on stalls for the younger children. Some games are: Slime prize, Back Your Butt Up and much, much more. My team is doing Slime Prize. We put dice in a bucket of slime and people have to put their hands in the slime to find the dice. Here are the people in my group: Honey, Cerys, Braeden, Deevon, Jess T, Indi, Crystal, Sara and me.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Agurment writing activity

Kia ora, this week we are writing arguments for the Kaikohe contest. This is a task which helped us with our argument writing. Here it is:
We are learning how to improve our writing of arguments by:

  1. Reading an example of an argument and looking at its structure and language.
  2. Answering questions about the argument.






A belief statement

A paragraph about your first reason with supporting facts.

A paragraph about your second reason with supporting facts.

A paragraph about your third reason with supporting facts.

A paragraph that winds up your argument by re-stating your reasons in a different way.

Picking Up Clothes.

I believe that people should not leave their clothes lying all over the floor.

Firstly, if you leave clean and dirty clothes on the floor they will get all mixed up and will have to washed again. This is a waste of time and money because washing powder and water are not free.

Secondly, leaving clothes all over the floor is messy and makes your house look bad. No one wants a house that looks like that, do they?

Finally, If you always put your clean clothes away in a drawer or wardrobe and your dirty clothes in the washing basket, you will be organised and able to find the clothes when you want them.

I’m sure you will totally agree that if you keep your clothes in the right place, your house will look tidy, you will save time and money and you won’t be late for work because you couldn’t find any clean undies.

 ... Daughter's Messy Room | by ...

Adapted from Primary Writing Book B  RIC Publications 2006

Modal verbs which hint at what should happen or shouldn’t happen

Listing or numbering words which help show the order of your arguments

Rhetorical questions which make your reader think and help to strengthen your argument.

Adverbs which add strength to what you are saying.
Use the argument above to complete the page.
1.What is the title of the argument?
Picking up clothes
2. What does the writer believe?
I believe that people should not leave their clothes lying all over the floor.
3.About the reasons:
Do you agree that people should not leave clothes all over the floor?
 Yes I do agree that people should not leave clothes all over the floor.
4. Fill in the missing words:

Clean and dirty clothes can get mixed up if they are left on the floor.

A house will look bad if there are clothes all over the floor.

You should put your clothes away in your draws.

If you put your clothes in the right place, you should be able to find them.

You should put dirty clothes into a washing basket.

Use colour coding to match each reason/argument from the story to the right listing/numbering word.

leaving clothes all over the floor is messy and makes your house look bad.

If you always put your clean clothes away in a drawer or wardrobe and your dirty clothes in the washing basket, you will be organised and able to find the clothes when you want them.

if you leave clean and dirty clothes on the floor they will get all mixed up and will have to washed again. This is a waste of time and money because washing powder and water are not free.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Animal onsie day

Kia ora, Today we had an animal onsie day because we are fundraising for the year 1&2 zoo trip. I dressed up as Rudoph the red nosed reindeer. A reindeer is a mammal. They are herbivores.
Here is a photo of me in my onsie: