This is my pepeha video of me saying my pepeha I think I am really good at saying my pepeha because I practised lots.
Friday, April 15, 2016
This is my pepeha video of me saying my pepeha I think I am really good at saying my pepeha because I practised lots.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Autumn cameo.
Showing our Writing Process - Write Draft / Edit and Polish / Publish
Written Language - Cameo
Learning Intention: I am learning how to use appropriate and effective similes in my cameo writing.
Success Criteria:
I am able to find and highlight similes in a cameo and explain why they work.
I am able to write appropriate similes for objects in my cameo.
Here is an example:
Winter blows its cold breath everywhere.
The early morning frost greets you like being welcomed onto the marae.
The wind howls in the freezing air like a stray dog hungry for a bone.
Snowflakes flutter like leaves falling from autumn trees, covering the ground with a white sparkling blanket.
The trees become bare, brown bones standing like statues admiring the view.
Heavy rain falls from the sky like a thousand hooves pounding against the ground.
Chilly bitterness in the air, winter is here.
Here is my draft piece of writing!
The leaves fall off the stale brown tree like a feather.
Leaves changing colours like orange, yellow and brown like kids colouring in.
Trees swaying in the invisible air like a blow of a child's breath.
Spider webs in the green wet grass like tangled string.
Skeleton leaves crystal clear like a ruby.
Wind twirls leaves around like a beautiful ballerina.
Leaves are falling on the ground, autumn is here.
Here is my published piece of writing.
The leaves fall off the stale brown trees like feathers from birds.
Leaves changing colours to orange, yellow and brown like a rainbows.
Trees swaying in the invisible air like clothes on a washing line.
Spider webs lie in the green wet grass like tangled string.
Skeleton leaves crystal clear like a gem.
Wind twirls leaves around like a beautiful ballerina.
Leaves are falling on the ground, autumn is here.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Here is a recount about my Easter weekend. I think it is very good because it has lots of adjectives.
"Ehhhhhhhh!" I squealed in excitement as we approached the camping site. Mum, dad and I were going camping in Whananaki for Easter. Mum went and checked in and got our number for the camping site. We were number ten. As soon as we got to our area we set up the tent.
Mum and dad set the tent up. Then mum, dad and I walked up to my uncles tent and had lunch. I had a tuna wrap and some tomatoes for lunch. “Yummy” I shouted I was full. I waited for mum, dad and uncle Ron. “Time to go to the beach,” screamed mum, I was really happy that we got to go to the beach.
Splash! went the amazing waves crashing down onto the sandy beach, The waves were really big. I couldn't believe it. Splish, splash! One of the humongous waves made me tumble over onto all of the shells! “time to go back to the tent!” shouted mum. Dad, mum, uncle Ron and I walked to the tent to dry off.
I felt happy, excited and amazed. I knew it was going to be a good camping trip.

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