Friday, December 9, 2016
Mountain to the sea
In class we have been learning about the Mountain to the sea. We have learnt many things. Today we have made a google draw that has three facts. One about the mountain, one about the river and one about the sea. Here is my finished google draw:
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
How to make a delicious banana smoothie
In class for writing we have been learning how to write procedure writing. On Monday we made a few banana smoothies. We wrote a procedure on how to make a banana smoothie. Here is my procedure writing on how to make a banana smoothie, using google slides.
Shape Sample
In class we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, mapping, coordinates and even making our own city using geometry. Today we did a maths sample about shapes. Here is my maths sample:
Monday, December 5, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
This term our class has been learning how to write an animal report. We got to choose a digital learning object to show one of our animal reports.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
A snake is a slithery reptile that can live in the water, trees, caves and warmer parts of the world.
Appearance: Snakes have scaly skin. Some have dull colours. Snakes don’t have any legs. Snakes taste the air with their forked tongues. Snakes shed their skin at times. Poisonous snakes are bright colours like yellow, red and green. Those colours are warning colours.
Snake threats: Many snakes are dying because their habitats are getting destroyed to build towns and cities.
Often snakes are killed because they're poisonous. In the United States they kill snakes for their skin to make handbags and souvenirs.
Diet: Snakes eat their food in one piece. Snakes open their mouth very wide because their lower jaw is loosely joined to the bottom skull. This means large animals can fit through. Thread snakes eat Pupae, eggs, ants and centipedes. Pythons and Anacondas eat deer and pigs.
Burmese pythons produce the most eggs than any other snake. They can produce up to 100 eggs.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Pets day 2016
Pets Day 2016
This is me with my naughty and crazy lamb Mr. Nibbles. I also made a fancy vaseline saucer. At pet day other children brought their pets like calves, pigs, goats, fish, turtles, budgies, cats, friend rocks, vegetable sculptures and miniature gardens.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Grandparents day
Grandparents day
Aunty Gayle’s Story
I really enjoyed coming along to Grandparents day. I enjoyed the Kapa Haka group and thought that they sung really well. I also enjoyed looking at all of Louisa’s work on her chrome book and learning how to blog.
Uncle Graeme’s Story
I couldn’t wait to get to Grandparents day today. I enjoyed the ukulele playing and looking at all of Louisa’s school work.
Nana’s Story
This is the third time that I have attended grandparents day. It is always very interesting. There is always a lot of nice food.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Art self assesment
In class we have been making musical instruments for art. We used them to play a song called three little bird. Here is my self assessment.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
How bees make honey
We have been learning about explanations and how bees make honey. I made a wevideo about how bees make honey.
Friday, September 2, 2016
How to make pikelets
How to make delicious fluffy homemade pikelets
Have you ever wondered how to make delicious homemade pikelets. Pikelets are like a miniature pancake but nice and fluffy.
First, you gather all of your ingredients. 1 cup of standard flour, 1 tsp baking powder, ¼ tsp salt, 1 egg, ¼ cup of sugar, ¾ cup of milk approximately and put all the ingredients on the bench.
Second, grab all the dry ingredients and put them in a bowl. In another bowl whisk the egg and sugar until it is white and thick.
Thirdly, put the whisked egg and milk in with the dry ingredients and mix together, until just combined.
Then, turn on your frying pan and put some butter on the frying pan.
After that, put spoonfuls of mixture on the frying pan.
Finally, when bubbles start to pop up on the pikelets flip them over. Wait until the other side is crispy and golden then put the pikelets on a plate.
This is how to make a scrumptious homemade pikelet.
Enjoy your delicious pikelet.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
The dance of the Honeybees
In reading we have been learning about honeybees. I read the chapter about the dance of the Honeybees. We had to make a google drawing to explain the dance of the Honeybees. Here is my google drawing.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Olympic Games
We learnt how to make a thinglink and i have created my DLO about the Olympics using Thinglink.
Friday, August 5, 2016
The sun
We have been learning how to take notes. We used a video, a journal story and two webpages about the sun to take notes. We put these notes into our own words. Here are some of the facts I learnt.
Friday, July 8, 2016
3D shoebox mountain to the sea.
In class we have been learning about which way the river goes. Is it from the mountain to the sea or the sea to the mountain. We did some experiments to work out how it goes. To show our understanding we have been making a mountain to the sea 3D presentation in a shoebox.
I believe that a river flows from the mountain to the sea.
Here is a photo of my 3D shoebox.
I believe that a river flows from the mountain to the sea.
Here is a photo of my 3D shoebox.
This week for writing we have been writing poems. Here is my poems.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Happily and quietly the birds swooped down to drop the cute little babies to the green old houses.
Quickly the fluffy white birds dropped the cute babies down to the house windows.
Suddenly the white wings on the birds swayed side to side delivering the cute animals off at their homes.
Swish sway! The white birds flew into the pink clouds that were jumping side to side in the light blue sky.
Quickly the birds flew through the pink clouds. They landed into the sky where the clouds made babies. They are all cute.
Happily the pink clouds made the babies with their fluffy pink hands.
Sadly the grey and white cloud stayed below the pink cloud group.
Happily the grey and white cloud used his hands to roll up a snappy baby crocodile. An old bird flew over to the cloud.
Aggressively the old bird flew with the snappy crocodile who was trying to get out of the bag.
Suddenly the bird came back to the grey and white cloud with hardly any feathers. The stork didn’t know the storm cloud was making an aggressive ram.
Rolling the fluffy cloud, the storm cloud made a porcupine.
Happily the cloud handed it to the stork. Suddenly the stork started to juggle the porcupine up and down.
“What a spiky porcupine” the stork said. The porcupine had lots of sharp prickles all over it’s body.
Sadly the stork came back and saw what the storm cloud had made. The old stork flew up to the pink clouds. The storm cloud felt really angry.
Angrily the storm cloud had lots of anger building up and started to get really mad.
Suddenly the storm cloud got bigger and bigger and more angrier. Suddenly he started to cry.
Kindly the old stork came back to the storm cloud and had a bag of football amour with him to stop him getting hurt.
Happily the stork ran into the storm clouds arms and gave him a big hug.
The storm cloud made an electric eel buzzzz. The eel gave the stork a electric shock but that didn’t worry the stork. So off went the stork to deliver the baby eel.
Walking in a season
Tickle, tickle, scratch, scratch, itch, itch! Fastly I jumped into the big, colourful, itchy, piles of leaves. Jumping on the scrunchy leaves through the forest they shouted at me “ouch, ouch that hurts!”. The dark grey clouds buzzed over me as I walked in the autumn patch, full of leaves. “Ehh!” I squealed when my dog jumped up from behind the old oak tree. Scrunch, Scrunch! Quickly I dropped into a big humongous pile of leaves. Completely covered in leaves I ran home with my fluffy dog in the cold autumn breeze. I begged mum for a nice cup of hot chocolate.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Math problems
We have been working in small groups in class. These are the strategies we are using to solve problems: repeated addition, arrays, known facts and groups of.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Art clay pot
This is my art self assessment. We had to make a clay pot to hold water. We used clay because it was easy to shape and you can find clay near the edge of a river.
Here is me making my clay pot. |
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
This my term two handwriting sample. My next goal is to put the letters on the line.
I can type 19 words per minute.
Friday, May 27, 2016
We have been learning how to write a narrative here is mine
Mysterious Mice
Not so long ago, there lived three furry and sweet mysterious mice called Sky, Snow and Cloud. Those three mysterious mice lived in the pretty leafy forest on a beautiful tropical island.
“Huu,” yawned Brownie. Suddenly bring! bring! The phone rang, “mysterious mice there is something in Mount Everest and you need to find what that something is!” “ Ok boss we will be available,”. “We have a mission you guys let's roll,”.
Puff puff “ climbing…. u..p…..Mount….Everest… is…hard,” puffed Cloud. “I know, but we've got to keep on climbing,” huffed Snow. “Why can't we stop and have a rest,” asked Cloud. “This may be tiring, but we've got to keep on climbing to investigate the mystery cave,” Sky told the other two mice. “We are almost at the top!” shouted Snow. Finally the mysterious mice arrived at the top of Mount Everest.
“Right let's investigate,” shouted Sky. “Let’s go!” shouted Cloud and Snow. Finally they found the great cave. They entered the cave on Mount Everest to find it was filled with crystals shinning like the sun. Rumble, Rumble. “Hey is that your puku rumbling or am I hearing things,” whispered Sky. “It’s definitely not my puku,” whispered Cloud and Snow. “Then what is it?” There’s only one explanation, a Monster!!!!!!!” shouted the mice.
“I'm very hungry for three little mice,” screeched the monster. “Do you think those three mice are us?” they all whispered. “Yes,” screeched the monster. The three mysterious mice ran as fast as they could down the mountain, with the monster close behind. They weave, dashed and darted. The monster started puffing. Suddenly he stopped. The mysterious mice were lucky because they were faster and fitter than the monster. The mice stopped running and walked slowly to the bottom.
“Wow climbing down Mount Everest was better than climbing up,” Snow told the other mice. “I know,” Cloud explained.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Visual pepeha.
This is my visual pepeha.
Team Awa each made one about themsevles.
The mountains are green the korus are blue and the back ground is yellow.
Friday, April 15, 2016
This is my pepeha video of me saying my pepeha I think I am really good at saying my pepeha because I practised lots.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Autumn cameo.
Showing our Writing Process - Write Draft / Edit and Polish / Publish
Written Language - Cameo
Learning Intention: I am learning how to use appropriate and effective similes in my cameo writing.
Success Criteria:
I am able to find and highlight similes in a cameo and explain why they work.
I am able to write appropriate similes for objects in my cameo.
Here is an example:
Winter blows its cold breath everywhere.
The early morning frost greets you like being welcomed onto the marae.
The wind howls in the freezing air like a stray dog hungry for a bone.
Snowflakes flutter like leaves falling from autumn trees, covering the ground with a white sparkling blanket.
The trees become bare, brown bones standing like statues admiring the view.
Heavy rain falls from the sky like a thousand hooves pounding against the ground.
Chilly bitterness in the air, winter is here.
Here is my draft piece of writing!
The leaves fall off the stale brown tree like a feather.
Leaves changing colours like orange, yellow and brown like kids colouring in.
Trees swaying in the invisible air like a blow of a child's breath.
Spider webs in the green wet grass like tangled string.
Skeleton leaves crystal clear like a ruby.
Wind twirls leaves around like a beautiful ballerina.
Leaves are falling on the ground, autumn is here.
Here is my published piece of writing.
The leaves fall off the stale brown trees like feathers from birds.
Leaves changing colours to orange, yellow and brown like a rainbows.
Trees swaying in the invisible air like clothes on a washing line.
Spider webs lie in the green wet grass like tangled string.
Skeleton leaves crystal clear like a gem.
Wind twirls leaves around like a beautiful ballerina.
Leaves are falling on the ground, autumn is here.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Here is a recount about my Easter weekend. I think it is very good because it has lots of adjectives.
"Ehhhhhhhh!" I squealed in excitement as we approached the camping site. Mum, dad and I were going camping in Whananaki for Easter. Mum went and checked in and got our number for the camping site. We were number ten. As soon as we got to our area we set up the tent.
Mum and dad set the tent up. Then mum, dad and I walked up to my uncles tent and had lunch. I had a tuna wrap and some tomatoes for lunch. “Yummy” I shouted I was full. I waited for mum, dad and uncle Ron. “Time to go to the beach,” screamed mum, I was really happy that we got to go to the beach.
Splash! went the amazing waves crashing down onto the sandy beach, The waves were really big. I couldn't believe it. Splish, splash! One of the humongous waves made me tumble over onto all of the shells! “time to go back to the tent!” shouted mum. Dad, mum, uncle Ron and I walked to the tent to dry off.
I felt happy, excited and amazed. I knew it was going to be a good camping trip.

Thursday, March 24, 2016
Volcano Eruption Animation
Here is my volcano animation that my group made.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Volcano word pircture
Here is my moment in time about an erupting volcano.
Boom, boom! Slassssssssssh The rocky volcano erupted like a terrier firing earthquake. The red hot lava melted everything in it’s path. The lava slithered like a threatening snake ready to bite its prey. Finally the volcano has stopped and the lava has turned into hard rocky stone on the burning brown grass. Ash lays everywhere. Shops and houses nowhere to be. Plants lay dead on the ground, leaving just soil.
All that’s left is ash, rocks, and smoke everywhere. Suddenly the rumbling stopped and all the people were safe from the volcano.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Bump, crack, creak! The shiny bus stopped right in front of Te Ahu Ahu Mountain. I was so excited to be climbing Te Ahu Ahu Mountain for the first time in my life. Mrs Craig opened the gate for us and I smelt cow dung straight away. Now that was gross. My class tiptoed past the cows in the smelly paddock. My class were really tired already. There were lots of fences and gates on the mountain. Finally I was nearly at the top of the mountain. About 30 steps and I was there. I sat down on the mountain and got out my drink bottle to have a drink. “Ahhh that's better” I groaned.
Mrs Gardiner shouted out, “come back, come back.” All the children came back and sat on the grass. A man arrived in a shiny black truck. Suddenly he parked the black truck on the mountain. “A man, named Hone, has come to tell us a story!” shouted Matua Ken. Hone hopped out of the truck and walked up and told us his story. “G'day mate, ready for a story” Hone shouted to everyone in the school. “Yes!” screamed the school. “My friend and I found Hone Heke's bones in Parkaraka and we buried them somewhere over there on that mountain” shouted Hone. The school asked Hone a few questions. “Lunch time!” shouted Mrs Clark. Everyone walked down part of the mountain and sat down to have lunch. I sat with Sara, Piata, Kate and Mrs Clark. I gobbled my tomato sandwich. It was really delicious.
“Time to go back to school” screamed Mrs Whitelaw. The whole school walked down the mountain. Room 4, 5 and 6 were first to go on the bus. I went in Cassandra’s car. The car came to a stop. I hopped out of the car and ran to put my bag away and went out to play.
I felt happy and really tried after I walked up Te Ahu Ahu mountain.
Here is my Te Ahu Ahu writing about walking the Mountain.Our focus was to use powerful verbs and appropriate adjectives.I think my writing has appropriate adjectives and verbs.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Unboxing day
Unboxing day
“Ehhh” I screamed. It was the day we were getting our chromebooks. I was so excited. Room 1 lined up in two lines. Finally the other classes came in and sat on the mat. Mrs Craig came to the front of the room and said, “welcome to chromebook unboxing, can we please stand for karakia and the national anthem”. Finally it was time to get our chromebooks. The chromebook boxes were given out. Then the school did the countdown “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1”
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